Panels WJB00352 Serengeti NOMAD 1003

Brand : Jannelli&Volpi


1015 mdl /sq.m.

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Decorative panels Jannelli & Volpi are exclusive wall coverings of  premium class.  The latest digital printing technologies create innovative textures with 3D prints which have exquisite charm and style. 

Jwall 1003 Nomad is a journey through different places of our planet, atmospheres and far landscapes. The drawings represent the flora, patterns and cultures of our planet and above all the beautiful creatures that inhabit environments and imagery, providing a strong element of charm and exoticism. 
All the panels marked WJB in Jwall 1003 Nomad collection are made of Big Flock, a rough and full-bodied material thanks to a particularly deep embossing.
Innovative wall coverings allow the walls to to interact with the space and create a fantastic combination, entrusting the interior with a unique atmosphere. 

The designs represent textural backgrounds and rich floral, animal and ethnic motifs.
The collection is treated with a modern style 

  • Base: Paper
  • Width: 294 (cm)
  • Height: 300 (cm)
  • Top layer: J&V - Big Flock
  • Collection: JWall - Nomad 1003

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